Help Make Us Visible reach their
$20,000 goal by May 2024!
$21,770 of $20,000 donated
Partnering with ADMERASIA, Pacific Historic Parks, the National Park Service, and the Japanese American Museum of Oregon, Make Us Visible is proud to introduce the third edition of our Asian American history coloring book, focusing on community intersections between Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders and our nation’s cultural and natural spaces.
This coloring book features 25 figures and communities spanning 11 ethnicities and 24 states and territories. Incorporated NPS sites include national parks, historic places, national monuments, historic trails, and more. Also included are an AANHPI Rangers page and a "Make Your Own History" page, where students can draw themselves and describe how they will make their community a better place.
We anticipate releasing this coloring book in May 2024 and have a fundraising goal of $20,000.
Please make a donation toward this project today! Your donation will go toward honorariums for artists, production and distribution costs, and other operational costs.
If you have any questions, please contact us at hello@makeusvisible.org. Thank you!
This project is in collaboration with: