The park is currently closed to the public. The park is working with our adjacent landowners to provide limited access to the public for educational purposes. In the interim, if you would like to learn more about Honouliuli when visiting O‘ahu here are some suggestions:
An Alternative Tour:
There are other ways to visit and learn about the park through not only our partners, but places directly associated with incarcerated civilians at Honouliuli:
American Institute of Architects (Honolulu Chapter) offers tours highlighting buildings that played a significant role in incarcerating Japanese Americans, including those held at Honouliuli.
Hawai'i's Plantation Village has an interactive exhibit on Honouliuli.
The King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center has an exhibit on Martial Law, which was activated the afternoon of the Pearl Harbor attack and led to the arrests and incarceration of American citizens at Honouliuli.
The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai'i has a free exhibit on Honouliuli that also includes artifacts made by those incarcerated at the camp.
Konko Mission of Wahiawa is a mission that was created by one of the few women incarcerated at Honouliuli, Reverend Haruko Takahashi.